Barcode registration is as easy as 1, 2, 3 ! That’s IT! Three steps is all it takes…
If you already know the type of barcode you need and how many, you can order your barcodes directly in our online shop.
For larger EAN-13 (GTIN) and ITF-14 orders or for barcodes for books, magazines, or music, fill out a registration form.
Barcode registration form guidelines
The form subsections require the following information:
The name of the person applying for the barcode, product owner name or the name of the person making the payment. Barcode orders are processed quickly when we can match the details of the payment transaction with the registration form.
Company Name
The name of the company. If you have not yet registered your company, type the the name of the owner instead.
The all-in-one barcode package will be sent to this address.
Phone or Mobile Number
A contact number in case we need to reach you. We usually call you if you made an error when filling out your form or if we need more clarification for your barcode needs.
Barcode Type
- EAN-13 product barcode. The barcode scanned at the cashier when items are purchased.
- ITF-14 carton- or case barcode. Identical items packaged together need an ITF-14 barcode. Examples include: a case of a beer, a carton of cigarettes (e.g. 12-pack), bottles of water (packs of 4, 6, 12 etc)
- QR Code.
- Other
- Books need an ISBN number
- Magazines need an ISSN number
- EAN-128 barcodes are used for internal supply chain and inventory management
Number of Barcodes Required
You need one EAN-13 barcode for one unique product. Identical products only need one EAN-13 number. For variations in the product (e.g. size, wieght, colour, flavours etc) you will need additional barcodes.
Identical product items packaged together will need an ITF-14 barcode. Example: you want to sell a case of beer. You will need one EAN-13 barcode and one ITF-14 barcode. The EAN-13 barcode is printed and duplicated on each beer bottle and the ITF-14 barcode is added to the case. Scanning the ITF-14 barcode reveals the price, quantity and product type within the case.
Product Category or Description
If you need to add any other information about your product or barcoding needs.
Fill out the Registration form here.
What must I do after I receive the barcode package?
After you received the barcode package, you only need to:
- Display the barcode on your product using adhesive stickers or incorporate the barcode into the product label design.
- Take your barcoded product to the retailer where they manually scan your barcode and enter the product information into the store inventory system.

The barcode number “carries” no product information itself
The number is assigned to your company and product information on the barcode registration database. Importantly, we ensure the number is a unique, GS1-registered number, that is exclusively assigned to your company alone. When the barcode is scanned at the store, the device checks the barcode number against the details entered into on the inventory system. You would not be able to ascertain product information from the bars and lines, instead that artwork is a graphical representation of the number below it.
Numbers are converted into binary digits of 0 or 1 which are then depicted as bars and lines.
When our customers first search for “how to buy a barcode” online, they might come across websites proclaiming the need for them to register their product online. How is this different from when you first purchased the barcode? Since there is a need to track barcodes assignments, at first glance this make sense, however your product, company information and barcode number have already been assigned together when you first bought the barcode. This makes further online registration redundant.
Some websites are dedicated to registrations only and do not sell barcodes (search results for “barcode registration” for example), but these databases are only updated partially and regionally, hence do not store ALL the barcode numbers used globally. We, along with other re-sellers and GS1, are maintaining databases for the barcode number assignment.
Apps are being used by customers to learn more about products.
Certain software companies have developed consumer product awareness technology like Google Product Search, which would allow a customer to scan the barcode with a modern cell phone, and with the help of an app, receive specific product information. This would require entering your product information and the barcode information into an account you created with that software company, but it is by no means related to the actual barcode assignment process. It would be a “nice to have feature” for some products that have unique selling points mostly aimed at its ingredients, but not a mandatory requirement for any good.
First things first, get a quality, affordable barcode on your product. then explore new technologies
To be clear, there is no formal “online registration” process, it is instead handled solely by you, as the product owner and barcode number owner (as per the Certificate of GTIN Assignment when you first bought your barcode) and the store owner or manager. The most important aspect of your barcode is that the number is unique and compatible with your type of goods and their intended use. We ensure this by screening all products during the initial purchase, issuing you with the Certificate of GTIN Assignment and maintaining a database of all product owners and company assignments.
To ensure that your product can reach the widest customer base, we provide you with both the EAN and UPC barcode numbers so that your goods can be sold anywhere in the world. Your barcode number(s) assigned to you are never duplicated and remain yours in perpetuity.
Lite Barcodes is committed to bringing you affordable, quality barcodes.
Has our article helped you clarify an important barcoding concept? Let us know by leaving a comment below. If you wish to know more give us a call, our friendly customer service team is waiting to hear from you.