What barcode do I need for my Nigerian retail product?
If you want to sell your product in a Nigerian store you will need an EAN-13 retail product barcode. You need one EAN-13 barcode number for each unique product. Identical products all use the same barcode number.
An EAN-13 barcode is an image with black bars and lines that, when scanned, return a 13-digit number that is unique to that particular product.

This EAN-13 retail product barcode is also used world-wide
The International Article Number, EAN (formerly European Article Number) is the barcoding standard number used for retail products on a global scale. They are used on the African continent, as well as in South America, Europe and Asia.
What barcode do I need for cartons or packages containing multiple identical products?
Identical products packed together into one new package require an ITF-14 barcode.
Example: A 350ml can of orange soda will have an EAN-13 code intended for this product. A bundle, containing a quantity of 12 orange soda cans, will have a ITF-14 bar code, linked to the EAN-13 code of the soda can and informing the quantity of products contained in this package. If this same product has a packaging with a different quantity of units, for example 24 cans, it should have a different ITF-14 code, in this case a secondary ITF-14 code. This means one product can have multiple ITF-14 codes, depending on the number of products contained in the packaging.
Introduction to the EAN-13 retail product barcode number
So you have decided to launch your product into the retail market, what next? Well, you must decide which markets within the massive retail sector are most viable. Do you want to start with your local store, do you want to approach a retail chain, or do you want to sell online? If your product has potential and you have a clear strategy for its marketability, most stores will be happy to put it on their shelves, however you will be asked to supply them with a barcode number that goes with your product. If you have variations in your product, such as size, flavour, ingredients etc then you will be supplying the store with several barcodes. But which one? If you want to sell your product in a Nigerian store you will need a 13-digit EAN barcode. This is the barcode number that is scanned at the cashier when a customer purchases your product upon checkout.
In the United States and Canada, a 12-digit UPC barcode is used
The barcode originated in America, as the Unique Product Code, UPC where they started with 12-digits. When the barcode was adopted world-wide another digit was added to ensure the number could handle many more products on a global scale. If you wish to sell your product in North America use the UPC barcode (12-digits).
different types of barcodes are used in the supply chain. You will also use certain formats for particular types of goods.
An entire range of barcode numbers, formats and designs are used for different industries, at different points of contact for business to business, business to customer and for in-house business use. Whether it’s on the factory floor, transporting goods or trading from one country to the next, barcodes have become the formal means of quality control and information accessibility. Some important barcode types for first time product owners are covered below.
Wanting to sell your product in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa? Do you think your product will do well in Europe? Well, the EAN-13 barcode has got you covered for all those countries and more! Get your EAN-13 barcode numbers here.

Books require an ISBN number, sometimes a UPC barcode is also required
If you want to publish a book, the book publisher will ask you for an ISBN number obtained from your national library. Although not strictly required, in some cases a UPC barcode is also used, in such a case both barcodes appear on the back of the book cover.
Magazines require an ISSN number
This number must also be obtained by contacting your national library. This number also makes a provision for periodic dates in the publications, weekly, monthly, yearly etc
Table summary of barcode types

At Lite Barcodes we sell UPC-A and EAN-13 barcodes for your Nigerian retail products. We also provide various barcodes for your packaging and inventory needs within your company including ITF-14 codes. Please contact us for more information